
video arbitrage

In cooperation with our clients we develop customized video arbitrage systems for training halls. Depending on the venue conditions, customer preferences and financial budget, we find the most suitable solution for everyone. We assist in buying the right equipment and support you to integrate the new technologies into your training workflows.

Fencing Vision Training System Fleyer

Our job is to manage all the video and data services required for the sport of fencing.  Our fully integrated services include video replay/arbitrage systems, scoring solutions, captioning and live streaming and we can work independently or in collaboration with other service providers.  Not only do we boast the only Olympic Certified video replay system for referees but we also provide the best live stream service including live results and real-time TV graphics.
Our motto is:  The Best or Nothing!

live stream

You want to live stream your competition and have no clue how to do it ? We support our clients to significantly increase their audience making competitions more accessible and therefore more attractive for potential sponsors. We create workflows on how to combine the common social media channels of the FIE and other fencing suppliers. Moreover we find technical solutions for your Host Broadcast company to get automatic captions for their feed and by connecting them to your fencing scoring equipment infrastructure.

scoreboard software

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